Integral-Systemic Coaching

For coaching to result in sustainable, long-term solutions and changes, it must address the essential aspects of your specific issue. I like working with the integral-systemic coaching approach, which acts as a comprehensive "map" and is particularly effective in staying on top of complex and dynamic situations.
The following aspects may prove relevant:

You as a coachee in regard to...

  • your personality, values, inner beliefs and emotions
  • your physical status quo, behavior and behavioral patterns
  • your body language and individual communication

Your professional environment in regard to...

  • corporate culture, relationships, values
  • collective beliefs and communication systems
  • roles, structures, procedures and processes
  • financial, human, temporal, technical resources

A map for staying on top of things

Integral-Systemic Coaching | Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin
Integral-Systemic Coaching | Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin

Using this framework often quickly reveals where there is work to be done, how the various aspects interact and where solutions could be found.

Your benefits from Integral-Systemic Coaching

  • there’s a wide variety of methods and tools to work with and I always apply these to the relevant questions, issues and goals 
  • you'll develop an understanding of what drives you and of what you need in order to stay content and motivated
  • you'll recognize your core values, purpose in life and work, and determine the environment that aligns with them
  • you'll define which skills and resources you’ve developed over the course of your career, and how you can use them more targeted in your professional environment
  • you'll find out what prevents you from taking certain steps and actively work on your situation
  • you'll find strategies to reconcile conflicting needs and present yourself convincingly while asserting your position clearly

Example 1:
If your personal values, strengths and motives are not in synch with those of your working environment, this can take its toll on your motivation and performance. It can also have a negative impact on your communication with colleagues, superiors and clients.
Over the course of your coaching process, you will identify your personal values and strengths. You will begin to see what’s really important to you, which in turn makes it easier to take a clear stance. You now have an inner compass at your disposal, for directing you when it comes to systematic changes and impending professional decisions within your given situation.     

Example 2:
Time pressure, sickness rates and continuous multitasking are typical stress triggers for many executives. Specific inner drives such as “I always have to…”, “under no circumstances must I …” add to the stress level. Learning to recognize and put into perspective these inner drives and related emotions enables you to reassess your priorities and to stand by them in a more confident way in front of others. You will be more at ease and your performance will improve .

“I had read a great deal about Ms Pachabeyan’s methods on her website before I began coaching, and I expected them to be effective. But the actual impact came as a surprise all the same: I never would have thought I’d experience such a profound change within a relatively short time period.

I’m attributing this to two of Ms Pachabeyan’s approaches in particular. On an intellectual level, she recognized my profound curiosity and explained all her methods very carefully, thereby giving me a great basis for my own work. On an emotional level, Ms Pachabeyan was able to assist me with remarkable empathy by helping me see and begin to dissolve a number of my mental blocks regarding difficult issues.”

Manager, 44 years old

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