Professional Potential

If you're considering another career change—whether it's transitioning to a new function, industry, or professional environment—you'll likely encounter questions that haven't crossed your mind in years, even as an experienced manager. A coaching on professional potential can support you effectively.

Find and unleash your potential

If you're considering another career change—whether it's transitioning to a new function, industry, or professional environment—you'll likely encounter questions that haven't crossed your mind in years, even as an experienced manager.

What am I good at and also want to be good at? Is that what has made me successful so far also what fulfils me? What undiscovered talents do I want to utilise more strategically in my future career?

This is where coaching can provide effective support and open up new perspectives.
To work on your professional potential we can use tools, such as the Reiss Motivation Profile, values work, career anchors analyses and Zürcher Resource Model (ZRM).

Are you interested in coaching for professional potential? I look forward to your message.

If you would like more information, please read:  
Professional CrisesCareer Orientation, Career Farewell

Career potential analysis Berlin | Ellen Pachabeyan
Career potential analysis Berlin | Ellen Pachabeyan

Your benefits from coaching on professional potential

  • you'll deepen your understanding of your professional, social, and cognitive skills, as well as your emotional intelligence and personal traits
  • you'll become more aware of your strengths and what you are particularly good at and enjoy doing
  • you'll explore how to better utilise your strengths to achieve your goals
  • you will understand why you have achieved a lot in your career until now, but what has cost you a lot of energy 
  • you'll pinpoint what's necessary for future success with greater ease
  • you will gain clarity about how you want to position yourself professionally

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