Quality Standards

Being a certified member of a professional coaching association has become a crucial quality standard among professional coaches. I am proud to be a member and aProfessional Certified Coach (PCC) of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) since 2017, with over 3000 hours of coaching experience.

With more than 45,000 members in 143 countries, the ICF is the leading international professional organization for coaches. The ICF’ has very high standards regarding education and documented professional experience.
My work is in line with both the ICF’s latest standards andCode of Ethics. By definition, this precludes the use of manipulative techniques.

Quality Standards | Business Coach Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin
Quality Standards | Business Coach Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin

Transparency and cutting edge high quality

Maintaining this standard is central to my work ethics, upheld through ongoing training, conference participation, supervision, and peer consulting.

Client feedback is very important to me in terms of quality management, further training and improving my work as a coach and a trainer. I use feedback tools for all processes.

What my clients have to say

You can find what my clients have to say under "Credentials and Clients".

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