Women in Leadership

Women in Leadership | Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin
Women in Leadership | Ellen Pachabeyan Berlin

While women in management positions shouldn't still be a topic of discussion today, unfortunately, it remains so. Despite declarations and corporate mission statements, it's not a given in many sectors. It's not due to a lack of desire, qualifications, expertise, or commitment—quite the opposite. 
Yet, less qualified colleagues may surpass you, dominate meetings, or create challenges with power games.

Enhance your career journey with confidence and ease

Are you finding yourself caught in similar, elusive pitfalls? Are you pondering what it will take to make the next career move without burning out? Perhaps you are already questioning whether you want a promotion because you're concerned about sacrificing too much of yourself.

Your benefits from executive coaching for women

  • you get a better understanding of professional conflict and know how to deal with them in a more energy-saving and efficient way
  • you understand the principles of gender communication and thus gain assertiveness in your job
  • you become more aware of your personal demeanour and learn to significantly enhance your communication skills
  • you clarify which career step is the right one for you and what you should do (and not do) to achieve it more easily and motivated

Curious to find out more? I look forward to hearing from you.

Or explore my offer for executives: Self-Management for Executives, Taking the lead

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