Client Feedback – Coaching

What my clients have to say

... Our collaboration was determined by mutual respect. It was very helpful in terms of helping me focus more on the challenges I was facing. I left every single session with the feeling of having taken another step into the right direction.”

C.K., 37, head of department at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum

... She gave me “tools” which became an immense help in coping with the daily routine and with challenging situations. I was able to improve and even to establish a new remit in my organization.
Thanks a lot, Ms Pachabeyan. You helped me to rediscover my inner “compass” and to align my carrer path without losing myself.”

J.M., 51, IT unit manager

… When I reached a certain limit in my job, I asked Ms Pachabeyan for advice and support. She had my absolute trust as soon as I met her for a preliminary consultation. Over the course of her friendly and professional coaching, we were able to find an individual ‘toolset’ for me that helped me prepare for stressful situations in advance and break up old behavioral patterns.
Thank you for everything. I have recommended Ms Pachabeyan as a coach to all my acquaintances.”

P.T., 51, Press spokesperson

Although I already initiated some emergency measures, Ellen helped me identify the things that will give me energy going forward and focus on what is important by providing a very valuable and professional external perspective."

O.S., 44, Head of German Operations, Pharmaceutical industries

L.W., 37, Growth Lead Tech Company

Ellen not only helped me to answer the questions I´ve had, but also taught me to manage my motivation, deal with stress, learn effectively and many more. As a result – new job of a dream!”

K.K., 30, PostDoc in transition from Research Institution to a company

Dear Ellen Pachabeyan,
you made a large contribution to this. I want to thank you again for this and your very successful work, when it came to setting goals and follow your dreams.
Best whishes from beyond the comfort zone and north of the Artic Circle 
(the mail came from North Norway)

V.M., 50, Finance manager, bank institute

North of the Artic Circle
North of the Artic Circle

… In my collaboration with Ms Pachabeyan over the last couple of months, she has opened my eyes for so many things. I learned a lot about myself and understood how my own principles and values were causing me stress. I now have tools for reacting appropriately.
I particularly appreciate Ms Pachabeyan’s empathy, and the way she helped me draw my own conclusions by asking the right questions.
My life is changing for the better, and I have my energy and zest for life back. My expectations have been exceeded!”

M.D., 50 , IT consultant

… I must say that I gained a completely new vision of coaching in general which I was not aware of before. The sessions (both in person and online) were very effective and helped me find my way to balance my life.”

S.I., PhD, 35, PostDoc at a Research Institution

… But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t great, to the contrary. Just the other day, my husband said I seemed different, more content and happy. Then he added, with notable disbelief: seems like coaching did help you after all. From him, that’s actually a huge compliment, and he’s right!
So: Many thanks, Ms Pachabeyan. You always seemed so clear and level-headed, but empathetic and very intuitive at the same time. That appealed to me, as did the fact that we could laugh together – humor really is the most important thing in life.

Should I find reason to have to sort myself out again, I will gladly come back.” 

F.G., 52, Partner in a law firm

...If the situation changes again or other issues to work on within a coaching arise, I will come back to you and would appreciate if we could work together again. Thanks a lot for the excellent assistence!"

A.P., 38, Marketing manager

… My focus had been to keep functioning. I was moving through life with tunnel vision, and my situation seemed to become bleaker by the day. My greatest challenges were my withdrawing from everything and everyone, and my fear of failure.
Consulting Ms Pachabeyan helped me reflect my situation and acquire strategies for getting a grip on the situation in a positive way. Many things about my everyday life started to make more sense: I’m more conscious of what’s important to me, and what gives me strength. That means more quality of life!
The most important thing for me was to learn that there is a solution for every situation! I’m more relaxed now, but also willing to take more risks, which helps me cope with stressful situations better. I’m trusting myself and in my own self-managing abilities more now.”

M.J., 36, managing director of a PR agency

… Through Ms Pachabeyan’s empathetic eyes, I began seeing myself in a different light. I learned a lot about myself in the process. She made me ask questions I had never really considered before. I found new ways of coping with the stress at work, even though it isn’t always easy to stick with the program – it takes a lot of self-discipline.
Coaching was particularly helpful for making a decision regarding my new position as an executive. All in all, I came out much more confident.
Now it’s important to keep doing and using what I learned. Thank you so much!”

J. S., 62, executive / IT engineer in a data processing center

… Initially, we had planned about six sessions. My first impression was that Ms Pachabeyan would be very efficient for sorting myself out, and I was right.
Thanks to her effective methods, three sessions were all I needed until I had a breakthrough. I achieved my goal 100%. I’m very grateful to Ms Pachabeyan indeed.”

S.R., 39, finance controller, health service industry

… which ultimately enhanced my quality of life. I actually have more time now! The key for me was to understand my own nature, and to adapt my actions to this knowledge.”

S.D., 43, film director  

...Ms Pachabeyan not only helped me define interim goals and strategies for achieving them, but also made me change my inner attitude towards these challenges. I appreciate her professionalism and empathy. She creates a productive, trusting working atmosphere.”

Dr. J.S., 35, postdoc, science research center

… Ellen Pachabeyan pointed out the right directions and helped me define what I wanted to do, with competence, experience and her deep understanding of human nature. Another reason why the coaching was so successful is that she made sure I stayed on course in terms of all the important issues we worked on.
Considering my own values and what was really relevant to me has helped me assess my situation, define my goals and find my direction. I highly recommend her services.”

R.S., 34, managing director of a communications agency

...Thanks to her using various “tools” from her large toolbox, we managed to sort out the chaos in my head quickly. I am aware of my values and motivators now. I actually have answers to the questions: Who am I, what can I do, what do I want.
Many thanks, Ms Pachabeyan.”

J.A., 36, key account manager with a HR company

… With a wealth of experience and remarkable empathy, she accompanied me through the coaching process, which developed a huge intellectual and emotional dynamic, in a process-oriented but flexible way. The methods she used were perfect for my needs. My development was given a framework, but it was still my own.
It was really surprising for me to see distinct changes in such a short time period. My co-workers are noticing that I seem more content, they can tell I am calmer and more target-oriented in my actions, and that I pay more attention to them. The people I am close to notice that I’m more balanced and happy. I am more open, I have more energy and I feel fresh in a lot of ways. Had I known how effective coaching can be, I’d have done it a long time ago.”

 C.B., 41, senior executive with a federal agency

… In the beginning, she familiarized herself with my situation, by making me complete the stress questionnaire. Then she helped me with asking specific questions so I could find my own solutions.
In collaborating with her, I realized that my own perfectionist tendencies were an obstacle to finding the inner peace, power and energy I needed for my daily life. It was a significant step for me to appreciate myself, both my work and me as an individual, and to realize that I could find time for my family as well as for myself. It made my everyday life a lot brighter.
Dear Ms Pachabeyan, thank you so much for your support, for your open ear and the seemingly never ending questions that helped me so much.”

M.W., 53, area manager with a service provider

… When I was forced to completely reconsider my health, career goals and life balance, her coaching helped me see which steps I needed to take to make the necessary changes and implement them in my daily life.
I appreciate the well-structured process, Ms Pachabeyan’s professional and flexible manner, and especially her versatility. I always rely on her coaching when it comes to making important decisions, because I can be sure that the result of the sessions will make me see more clearly on all relevant levels, which mostly go beyond the rational. More often than not, the answers I found have been a surprise. It is important to me to know somebody who can assist me with finding my own way.”

E.S., 44, executive light designer

… I found Ms Pachabeyan’s background as a psychologist especially helpful because it opened completely new perspectives in the coaching process. A coach with a background in economics wouldn’t have been the right person at all. We took a very broad perspective and worked on emotional issues in connection with my biography. This made me see more clearly and enabled me to identify my personal patterns as being the key to everything.
The coaching process gave me a clear perspective of the coming weeks and months, which I wouldn’t have thought possible when starting out.”

Dr. med. S.H., 35, neurologist at the University Medical Center

… I found the analysis of the Reiss Profile especially helpful – in connection with realizing that I “want” a lot of things and that it’s time to allow myself these wishes. I have chosen a new path for myself, completely changing my career, and it seems to be sustainable. I’m very happy with my new situation, I feel awake and alive. I’ve had my own business for one year now.
Thank you, Ellen!”

B.B., 49, entrepreneur and manager

Read what participants of my seminars say about me:
Client feedback - trainings/seminars

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