Leadership Coaching

The art of leading

Leadership is complex and, above all, has to do with people. This makes it exciting, but at times challenging. In order to be effective as a manager and to further one's development, it’s important to reflect on and question your own understanding of your role, leadership strategies and behavioral patterns in regular intervals. Additionally, it is useful to refill your toolbox and when needed, adjust your course. However, in the midst of operational business, there is often a lack of time, space and a suitable sparring partner, especially when it comes to issues that are more personal.

Elevate leadership as well as shared leadership with new insights for better results

In leadership coaching, I provide a confidential and neutral environment. Nestled in my tranquil yet conveniently located office in Berlin-Mitte, you'll find enough space for reflection and intuition. As your coach, I will address both your managerial challenges and those of your team, offering supportive guidance while also addressing uncomfortable questions and necessary confrontations with empathy and honesty.

Leadership-Coaching Berlin | Ellen Pachabeyan
Leadership-Coaching Berlin | Ellen Pachabeyan

With leadership coaching, you can tackle your responsibilities with greater confidence and strength and take away new ideas and practical solutions for your leadership work, also when you work in a leadership tandem.

Are you a manager seeking the guidance of an experienced, certified coach? Do you want to optimize your collaboration as the leadership tandem of an organizational unit?  Or perhaps your company is interested in developing one of your managers in their current or new role?
I would be pleased to discuss my services with you.

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